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journey to your earth star - by hazel copland

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Journey to your Earth Star

Make sure you are safely in the light and grounded.


As you relax more and more you start to sink, down, into the couch, through the couch and down into the earth, through the soft rich soil, down into your deep, warm Earth Star. Velvet dark, surrounding you, comforting, enveloping, blanketing. You can breathe here, safe and relaxed in the still, rich, warm, velvety dark. Cosseted in the womb of Mother Earth, safe, protected, connected.

You are a seed, planted, individual, alive, hibernating and dormant. Comfortable just to ‘Be’…. In the moment, totally aware of how you feel right now, how the warm Earth feels around you. The hummus-rich dark smells. Although you are in complete darkness you are aware of many beautiful colours…and sounds, listen.... your Earth Star has a message for you….

A fertilized seed, you are evolving, your cells reproducing, growing a long root down through the rich loamy earth, pushing through the sand crystals in the soil, past bigger rocks and the roots of other plants, your root is sprouting smaller hair like rootlets, drawing in moisture and energy from the earth, strength and vitality – life.

You sprout a green spear, like hands pressed together in prayer, reaching up pushing up through the soil, strong and focussed towards the light….. Emerging into morning. Feel the air ~ fresh and cool ~ the sun rising in the east ~ birds are waking, singing in morning chorus. Your two leaves split open, rich and green, vibrant and strong. Photosynthesizing. Growing, taller and stronger forming more leaves, branching out, reaching to the sky your roots strong and anchored and grounded beneath in your Earth Star.

Be in this moment for a while…….Fully aware……….. Strong………… Grounded………………. Alive……………Growing............................

Come back, when you are ready……Draw your roots and leaves back into your body and gradually, when you feel ready, move your fingers and toes, stretch and slowly, open your eyes.

written by Hazel Copland

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